Kpop Tag ! :DD
Saturday 21 December 2013 • 11:50 • 0 comments
Sorry la kalau you bukan gegurl ye ;) But its not wrong to call a guy, beautiful xP

Everybody wake up ! Wake up xDD ! haha lgu Shinee melekat dlm kepala nih ;; . So lgi seminggu lebih je skola nak bukak ~!!! Uwaaaa T.T sekejap je mase berlalu kan ~ Mood cuti pon blom habis lgi. Cuti tahun nie duduk umah je. Tak bnyk kluar pon.Takde idea nk post ape sebenarnye T.T ~

Start cuti skola aritu, aku asyik tido lmbt je .__. Nnti bukak skola ~ haaa hambik kau ! Bgn kul 6 pagi =.=' Urghhhh! So lets get started with KPOP TAG :

1.Favorite kpop guy group. ( I cant choose one so i listed them xP)
  - B.A.P
  - EXO
2.Favorite kpop girl group. (Theres only one in my heart <3)
  - SNSD ! Forever A Sone C;
3.Ultimate kpop bias.
  - Daehyun (B.A.P)
  - Kai (EXO)
  - Yoona (SNSD)

 4.Favorite kpop song from favorite kpop guy group.
  - Exo : Miracles In December
  - B.A.P : Stop It
5.Favorite kpop song from favorite kpop girl group.
  - Snsd : My Bestfriend
6.A kpop dance you'd like to learn.
  - Exo : Growl

7.Favorite kpop music video.
  - GD : Who You
8.What is the very first kpop song you ever heard?
  - SNSD : Gee
9.Kpop song that makes you smile.
  - B.A.P : Stop it
  - B.A.P : Happy Birthday
10.Kpop idol you wish was your older sibling.
  - Brother : Kris *O*
  - Sister : Yoona <3
11.Kpop idol you wish was your younger sibling.

 - Younger Brother : Mark (Sm Rookies)

  - Younger Sister : Lami (Sm Rookies)

12.Kpop song you never get tired of listening to.
   - All my Fav Songs <3
13.What was the first kpop group you liked & still do?
   - SNSD !!!
14.Who was your first bias ever in the kpop industry?

   - Yuri (SNSD)

15.Who is your current favorite kpop boy group?

  - EXO

16.Who is your current favorite kpop girl group?


17.3 current favorite kpop songs.
   - Exo : Miracles In December
   - GD : Who You
   - BTS : N.O
18.All time favorite kpop song.
   - B.A.P - Stop it ><
19.Who would you like as a boyfriend/girlfriend in the kpop industry?

  - KAI ( EXO )
20.What comes to mind when you hear the word "Kpop"?
    - My fav group ofc ! Yehet xD

Thats ALL !! See Ya Later :**

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